
UniCore, based on Bootstrap 5 with the flavor of TailwindCSS and the power of UIkit 3

Full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system, extensive utility classes and custom made in-house components.

UniCore based on

Bootstrap 5.2.3 Feature-packed toolkit
TailwindCSS 3.2+ Utility-first CSS framework
UIkit 3.15.20 JS only but still powerfull
Anime.js 3.2.1 Lightweight animation library
Swiper 8.4+ Modern mobile touch slider
jQuery 3.6.0 Lightweight JavaScript library

What makes UniCore the best out there?

Full featured framework
Easy to install and customize
Advanced but more flexible
Solid design system foundation
Extensive utility classes
In-house components
Optimized performance
Dark mode supported
Carbon icons library
Well coded and documented
Free and premium templates
Frequent future updates

Let's getting started

Quick Installation

Install the dependencies using Yarn or NPM and use our custom made Gulp or Webapck build tools to get your project up and running literally in a minutes.

Extended Utility Classes

Build whatever you want without a single line of CSS/SASS code by just using our low-level utility classes and base components.

In-house Components

Based on the components of Bootstrap we have created our exclusive components are made to empower your next project with our new UI/UX vision.

3rd-Party Plugins

All popular 3rd-party plugins are deeply customized in order to perfectly meet our design system requirements and blend with your unique in-house components.

Hand-picked templates based on UniCore


Minimal Agency HTML5 Template
59 Sales


NFT Portfolio HTML5 Template
83 Sales


NFT Marketplace HTML5 Template
8 Sales

Getting started

In order to use UniCore framework you need to install tools such as Node.js, NPM and Git on your system.

Install & Check Tools

Node.js and NPM

In order to use UniCore for your project you need a few tools installed that help with the development and build process. This includes tools tha help with such tasks as compiling CSS, removing unused CSS, and minifying and bundling JavaScript files. You'll need Node.js and NPM installed (Note that installing Node.js also installs NPM). To check if they're installed, open terminal and use these commands:

node -v


npm -v

To clone the UniCore repo you need Git installed, check if you have it, by running this command:

git --version

Install UniCore

Clone UniCore repository:

git clone 'we will add git repository for this framework soon..'

Go to the UniCore directory:

cd unicore

Install Dependencies:

npm install


Running the below command to launches the development server at
To change port, open vite.config.js and change the server.port: 3000 to your preferred port.

npm run dev


Runing the following command compiles the production ready assets under the dist folder.

npm run build


A guide to configuring and customizing your UniCore.

Because UniCore is a framework for building bespoke user interfaces, it has been designed from the ground up with customization in mind.

By default, UniCore will look for an optional config.scss file at the root of your project where you can define any customizations.

Every section of the config file is optional, so you only have to specify what you’d like to change. Any missing sections will fall back to UniCore’s default configuration.

$config: (
    'key': value,
    'section': (
        'key': value,
        'section': (
            'key': value,
            'key': value,


UniCore includes an expertly-crafted default color palette out-of-the-box that is a great starting point if you don’t have your own specific branding in mind.

But when you do need to customize your palette, you can configure your colors under the color section in the config.scss file.

$config: (
    'color': (
        'gray': #525252,
        'slate': #6b7280,
        'primary': #553cdf,
        'secondary': #d946ef,
        'info': #03a5d6,
        'success': #4CAF50,
        'warning': #ffb307,
        'danger': #e44b4b,
        'blue': #4285f4,
        'indigo': #553cdf,
        'purple': #8921e4,
        'red': #ea4335,
        'rose': #d20e4f,
        'pink': #f753e4,
        'orange': #fb6b1e,
        'yellow': #fcbc05,
        'green': #34a853,
        'lime': #aef359,
        'teal': #06f6c6,
        'cyan': #38e1ff


Use the text, heading, display and code keys in the font section of your config.scss file to customize typography.

$config: (
    'font': (
        'text': (
            'family': ( 'font_name', sans-serif ),
            'weight': 400,
        'heading': (
            'family': ( 'font_name', sans-serif ),
            'weight': 700,
        'display': (
            'family': ( 'font_name', serif ),
            'weight': 800,
        'code': (
            'family': ( 'font_name', monospace ),
            'weight': 400,


Customizing the default spacing and all sizing scale for your project.


Use the spacing key in the sizes section of your config.scss file to customize spacing.

$config: (
    'sizes': (
        'spacing': (
            'narrow': 0.25rem,
            '2xsmall': 0.5rem,
            'xsmall': 1rem,
            'small': 1.5rem,
            'medium': 2rem,
            'large': 2.5rem,
            'xlarge': 3rem,
            'xxlarge': 3rem,
            '3xlarge': 4rem,
            '4xlarge': 5rem,
            '5xlarge': 8rem,

Grid gutters

Use the grid key in the sizes section of your config.scss file to customize grid gutters.

$config: (
    'sizes': (
        'grid': (
            'narrow': 0.25rem,
            '2xsmall': 0.5rem,
            'xsmall': 1rem,
            'small': 1.5rem,
            'medium': 2rem,
            'large': 2.5rem,
            'xlarge': 3rem,
            'xxlarge': 3rem,
            '3xlarge': 4rem,
            '4xlarge': 5rem,
            '5xlarge': 8rem,


UniCore's best practice of using its components and should always be considered first.

Our in-house components are listening for DOM manipulations and will automatically initialize, connect and disconnect components as they are inserted or removed from the DOM. That way it can easily be used with JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js and React.js.

Component usage

You can use our in-house components by adding data-uc-* attributes to your HTML elements without writing a single line of JavaScript.

<div data-uc-sticky="start: 100;"></div>

<div data-uc-height-viewport="offset-top: true;"></div>

<div data-uc-grid="masonry: true;"></div>

Component configuration

You can also initialize components via JavaScript and apply them to elements in your document.

var sticky = UniCore.sticky('#sticky', {
    offset: 50

You can retrieve an already initialized component by passing a selector or an element as a first Argument to the component function.

var sticky = UniCore.sticky('#sticky');

Omitting the second parameter will not re-initialize the component but serve as a getter function.

Programmatic use

Programmatically, components may be initialized with the element, options arguments format in JavaScript. The element argument may be any Node, selector or jQuery object. You'll receive the initialized component as return value. Functional Components (e.g. Notification) should omit the element parameter.

// Passing a selector and an options object.
var sticky = UniCore.sticky('.sticky', {
    offset: 50,
    top: 100

// Functional components should omit the 'element' argument.
var notifications = UniCore.notification('MyMessage', 'danger');

The options names must be in their camel cased representation, e.g. show-on-up becomes showOnUp.

After initialisation, you can get your component by calling the same initialisation function, omitting the options parameter.

// Sticky is now the prior initialised components
var sticky = UniCore.sticky('.sticky');


Convey meaning through color with a handful of color utility classes.

Our design system leverages a purposeful set of color styles as the perfect starting point for any brand or project. When it comes to color, contrast is critical for ensuring text is legible so you can make sure you're designing with accessibility in mind.

Click on the color box to copy it's class code *-color-shade to your clipboard!


As you see you have color shades from 25, 50 and 100 to 900 for each built-in color and you can use this shades grades as classes to colorize text, background and border utilities.

The class formula is property-color-shade to call any color you want from our extended Colors library.

For example class="bg-primary-25 text-gray-700 border-primary-400".

Dark Mode is supported for this utilities: bg-*, text-* and border-*!

Primary colors




10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000

Secondary colors


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


10 #NAN000000
25 #NAN000000
50 #NAN000000
100 #NAN000000
200 #NAN000000
300 #NAN000000
400 #NAN000000
500 #NAN000000
600 #NAN000000
700 #NAN000000
800 #NAN000000
900 #NAN000000


Common text utilities to font size, weight, style, control alignment, wrapping, and more.

While Bootstrap doesn’t include an icon set by default, we do have our own icon library called Unicons. Feel free to use them or any other icon set in your project. We’ve included details for Unicons below.


Name Size Weight Class
Heading 1 48px/1.2 700 .h1
Heading 2 36px/1.2 700 .h2
Heading 3 28px/1.2 700 .h3
Heading 4 24px/1.2 700 .h4
Heading 5 20px/1.2 700 .h5
Heading 6 16px/1.2 700 .h6
<h1 class="h1">Heading 1</h1> or <h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2 class="h2">Heading 2</h2> or <h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3 class="h3">Heading 3</h3> or <h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4 class="h4">Heading 4</h4> or <h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5 class="h5">Heading 5</h5> or <h5>Heading 5</h5>
<h6 class="h6">Heading 6</h6> or <h6>Heading 6</h6>


Name Size Weight Class
Display 1 16rem/1.2 700 .display-1
Display 2 12rem/1.2 700 .display-2
Display 3 10rem/1.2 700 .display-3
Display 4 8rem/1.2 700 .display-4
Display 5 6rem/1.2 700 .display-5
Display 6 5rem/1.2 700 .display-6
<h1 class="display-1">Display 1</h1>
<h1 class="display-2">Display 2</h1>
<h1 class="display-3">Display 3</h1>
<h1 class="display-4">Display 4</h1>
<h2 class="display-5">Display 5</h2>
<h2 class="display-6">Display 6</h2>

Text font size

Name Size Weight Class
2X large 36px/1.5 400 .fs-1
X large 28px/1.5 400 .fs-2
Large 24px/1.5 400 .fs-3
Medium 20px/1.5 400 .fs-4
Small 16px/1.5 400 .fs-5
X Small 14px/1.5 400 .fs-6
2X Small 12px/1.5 400 .fs-7
<p class="fs-1">Body text xxl</p>
<p class="fs-2">Body text xl</p>
<p class="fs-3">Body text l</p>
<p class="fs-4">Body text m</p>
<p class="fs-5">Body text s</p>
<p class="fs-6">Body text xs</p>
<p class="fs-7">Body text 2xs</p>

Text font styles

Preview Name Weight Class
Aa Primary typeface 400 .ft-primary
Aa Secondary typeface 400 .ft-secondary
Aa Display typeface 400 .ft-display
Aa Mono typeface 400 .ft-mono
Aa Bolder 900 .fw-bolder
Aa Bold 700 .fw-bold
Aa Medium 500 .fw-medium
Aa Normal 400 .fst-normal, .fw-normal
Aa Light 300 .fw-light
Aa Lighter 200 .fw-lighter
Aa Italic 400 .fst-italic
Aa Underline 400 .text-underline
Aa Overline 400 .text-overline
Aa Line through 400 .text-line-through
Aa Remove decoration 400 .text-none
Aa Lowercase 400 .text-lowercase
Aa Capitalize 400 .text-capitalize
Aa Uppercase 400 .text-uppercase
<!-- font-typeface -->
<p class="ft-primary">Sans-serf font</p>
<p class="ft-secondary">Serif font</p>
<p class="ft-display">Display font</p>
<p class="ft-mono">Mono font</p>

<!-- font-weight -->
<p class="fw-bolder">Bold 900</p>
<p class="fw-bold">Bold 700</p>
<p class="fw-medium">Medium 500</p>
<p class="fw-normal">Normal 400</p>
<p class="fw-light">Light 300</p>
<p class="fw-lighter">Lighter 200</p>

<!-- font-style -->
<p class="fst-normal">Normal</p>
<p class="fst-italic">Italic</p>

<!-- text-transform -->
<p class="text-uppercase">Uppercase</p>
<p class="text-lowercase">Lowercase</p>
<p class="text-capitalize">Capitalize</p>

<!-- text-decoration -->
<p class="text-underline">Underline</p>
<p class="text-overline">Overline</p>
<p class="text-line-through">Line through</p>
<p class="text-none">No decoration</p>


A powerful mobile-first grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes based on 8pt System.

Bootstrap’s grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and columns to layout and align content. It’s built with flexbox and is fully responsive. Below is an example and an in-depth explanation for how the grid system comes together.



Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. Containers are used to contain, pad, and (sometimes) center the content within them. While containers can be nested, most layouts do not require a nested container.

Name Class Description
Default .container This is the default size of the container.
Large .container max-w-lg Add this class for a large container.
Medium .container max-w-md Add this class for a medium container.
Small .container max-w-sm Add this class for a small container.
Expand .container max-w-100 Add this class, if you do not want to limit the container width but still want the dynamic horizontal padding.

Flexbox Grid


Extended built-in features usage and examples for Flexbox Grid 8pt system.

To make sure the JavaScript functionalities works well add data-uc-grid attribute on the same element which have row class.

Class Responsive Rule

Now you can easily control all child columns with one class, just add it next to "row" class for example if we want a layout of 3 columns which means 4/12 each column, you have to write class="row child-cols-4".

Reminder: This feature is way different than .row-cols-{n} because you still have the ability to edit the child columns through thier own class to adjust their width you will find some examples below.

.col-match false

Where you can make all columns match in height added this class just next to "row" class, for ex. class="row col-match".

Child columns usage:

<div class="row child-cols-4">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>

Instead of:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-4">Col 1</div>
    <div class="col-4">Col 2</div>
    <div class="col-4">Col 3</div>

Child columns + custom column width

<div class="row child-cols-2">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div class="col-6">Col 4</div>
    <div class="col-6">Col 5</div>
    <div>Col 6</div>
    <div>Col 7</div>
    <div>Col 8</div>

Child columns + responsive:

TailwindCSS's method

<div class="row child-cols-12 sm:child-cols-6 md:child-cols-3">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>

Bootstrap's method

<div class="row child-cols-12 child-cols-sm-6 child-cols-md-3">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>

For more details about how responsive design syntax works.

Columns match height:



<div class="row child-cols-4 col-match">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>

Grid Separators:

Column separator

Row separator

All sides separator

<div class="row child-cols-4 gx-4 sep-y" data-uc-grid>
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>

<div class="row child-cols-12 gy-4 sep-x" data-uc-grid>
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>

<div class="row child-cols-4 g-4 sep" data-uc-grid>
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>
    <div>Col 5</div>
    <div>Col 6</div>

Important: You should add data-uc-grid attribute to make sure the grid separator works well.

Masonry Grid


If grid cells have different heights, a layout free of gaps can be created by adding masonry: true to data-uc-grid="" attribute.

<div class="row child-cols-4" data-uc-grid="masonry: true;">
    <div><div style="height: 200px">Col 1</div></div>
    <div><div style="height: 80px">Col 2</div></div>
    <div><div style="height: 150px">Col 3</div></div>
    <div><div style="height: 80px">Col 4</div></div>
    <div><div style="height: 150px">Col 5</div></div>
    <div><div style="height: 200px">Col 6</div></div>

CSS Grid


Extended built-in features usage and examples for CSS Grid 8pt system.

Class Responsive Rule

Utilities for specifying the columns in a grid layout.
Use the g-child-cols-{n} utilities to create grids with n equally sized columns.


Utilities for controlling how elements are sized and placed across grid columns. Use the g-col-span-{n} utilities to make an element span n columns.


Use the g-col-start-{n} and g-col-end-{n} utilities to make an element start or end at the nth grid line.
These can also be combined with the g-col-span-{n} utilities to span a specific number of columns.

Note that CSS grid lines start at 1, not 0, so a full-width element in a 12-column grid would start at line 1 and end at line 13.


Utilities for specifying the rows in a grid layout.
Use the g-child-rows-{n} utilities to create grids with n equally sized rows.


Utilities for controlling how elements are sized and placed across grid rows. Use the row-span-{n} utilities to make an element span n rows.


Use the g-row-start-{n} and g-row-end-{n} utilities to make an element start or end at the nth grid line.
These can also be combined with the g-row-span-{n} utilities to span a specific number of rows.

Note that CSS grid lines start at 1, not 0, so a full-height element in a 3-row grid would start at line 1 and end at line 4.

Child columns usage:

<div class="grid g-child-cols-4">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>

Instead of:

<div class="grid">
    <div class="g-col-4">Col 1</div>
    <div class="g-col-4">Col 2</div>
    <div class="g-col-4">Col 3</div>

Grid row/column span usage:

<div class="grid g-child-rows-4 g-child-cols-6 g-2">
    <div class="g-row-span-4">1</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2 g-col-span-3">2</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2 g-col-span-3">3</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2">4</div>
<div class="grid g-child-rows-4 g-child-cols-6 g-2">
    <div class="g-row-span-2">1</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-4">2</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2 g-col-span-2">3</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2 g-col-span-2">4</div>
    <div class="g-row-span-2 g-row-span-2">5</div>


<div class="grid g-child-rows-8 g-child-cols-6">
    <div class="g-row-span-4 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-3">
    <div class="g-row-span-3 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-2 g-col-start-3">
    <div class="g-row-span-3 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-5 g-col-start-3">
    <div class="g-row-span-8 g-col-span-4 g-row-start-1 g-col-start-5">
        ... <!-- This must have a fixed height so other boxes base on that height -->
    <div class="g-row-span-3 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-5 g-col-start-9">
    <div class="g-row-span-3 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-2 g-col-start-9">
    <div class="g-row-span-4 g-col-span-2 g-row-start-3">

Gutters / Gaps


Gutters are the gaps between column content, created by horizontal padding. We set padding-right and padding-left on each column, and use negative margin to offset that at the start and end of each row to align content.

Preview Name Size Class
Gutter narrow 4px .g-narrow, .gx-narrow,
.gy-narrow, .gap-narrow
Gutter 1 8px .g-1, .gx-1, .gy-1, .gap-1
Gutter 2 16px .g-2, .gx-2, .gy-2, .gap-2
Gutter 3 24px .g-3, .gx-3, .gy-3, .gap-3
Gutter 4 32px .g-4, .gx-4, .gy-4, .gap-4
Gutter 5 40px .g-5, .gx-5, .gy-5, .gap-5
Gutter 6 48px .g-6, .gx-6, .gy-6, .gap-6
Gutter 7 56px .g-7, .gx-7, .gy-7, .gap-7
Gutter 8 64px .g-8, .gx-8, .gy-8, .gap-8
Gutter 9 80px .g-9, .gx-9, .gy-9, .gap-9
Gutter 10 128px .g-10, .gx-10, .gy-10, .gap-10

Gutters can be responsively adjusted. Use breakpoint-specific gutter classes to modify horizontal gutters, vertical gutters, and all gutters and of course you have the option to choose between Bootstrap or TailwindCSS method.

All sides gutters/gap

<div class="row child-cols-4 g-2">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>

Custom vertical (y) sides gutters/gap

<div class="row child-cols-4 g-2 md:gy-4">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>

Custom horiztonal (x) sides gutters/gap

<div class="row child-cols-4 g-2 md:gx-4">
    <div>Col 1</div>
    <div>Col 2</div>
    <div>Col 3</div>
    <div>Col 4</div>

Gutter classes g* works well for Flexbox Grid only, but, Gap classes gap* works for CSS Grid and any other Flex Elements.


A huge collection and well-crafted icons from IBM Plex Carbon.

While Bootstrap doesn’t include an icon set by default, we do have our own icon library called Unicons. Feel free to use them or any other icon set in your project. We’ve included details for Unicons below.

Click on the icon box to copy it's class to your clipboard!



By default the icon will inherit the size of the font size 1rem = 16px.

Preview Name Size Class
Size 1 20px .icon-1
Size 2 24px .icon-2
Size 3 32px .icon-3
Size 4 48px .icon-4
Size 5 64px .icon-5
Size 6 80px .icon-6


You can use unicon-* class to call any icon from our extended Unicons library.

To control the size of the icon use the default icon sizes classes icon-1 to icon-5 or font size classes fs-1 to fs-7.

To control the thickness of the icon, use the font weight classes for ex:
fw-bold, fw-light, etc.

Dark Mode

An inspired feature from TailwindCSS to style your site in dark mode.

Now that dark mode is a first-class feature of many operating systems, it’s becoming more and more common to design a dark version of your website to go along with the default design.

To make this as easy as possible, We includes a dark:{class_name} variant that lets you style your site differently when dark mode is enabled, anyway, we have added this feature just like TailwindCSS with the same usage for more control over your design.

By default this uses the prefers-color-scheme CSS media feature, but you can also build sites that support toggling dark mode manually using the class strategy.

How it works

Now instead of dark:{class_name} classes being applied based on prefers-color-scheme, they will be applied whenever uc-dark class is present earlier (globally) or in the same tag (locally) in the HTML tree.

<!-- Dark mode not enabled -->
    <!-- Will be white -->
    <div class="bg-white dark:bg-black">
        This is a content

<!-- Dark mode enabled globally -->
<html class="uc-dark">
        <!-- Will be black -->
        <div class="bg-white dark:bg-black">
            This is a content

<!-- Dark mode enabled locally -->
        <!-- Will be black -->
        <div class="bg-white dark:bg-black uc-dark">
            This is a content

How you add the dark class to the html element is up to you, but a common approach is to use a bit of JS that reads a preference from somewhere ( like localStorage ) and updates the DOM accordingly.

Responsive Design

Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces.

An combination of Bootstrap's syntax and an inspired TailwindCSS's syntax to easily define your styles for a selected breakpoint.

Every utility class in UniCore can be applied conditionally at different breakpoints, which makes it a piece of cake to build complex responsive interfaces without ever leaving your HTML.

By default, the two syntaxes are works properly, but, you can enable/disable the syntax that you want to work with.

Class Syntax Description
*-{bp}-* Infix breakpoint The Bootstrap's reponsive class syntax.
{bp}:* Prefix breakpoint The TailwindCSS's reponsive class syntax.

There are five breakpoints by default, inspired by common device resolutions:

Breakpoint Minimum Width CSS
sm 576px @media (min-width: 576px) { ... }
md 768px @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }
lg 992px @media (min-width: 992px) { ... }
xl 1200px @media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }
xxl 1400px @media (min-width: 1400px) { ... }

Bootstrap's syntax

Bootstrap’s responsive styles are built to be responsive, an approach that’s often referred to as mobile-first.

Here is a simple responsive grid layout with is method:

<div class="row g-2 g-lg-4">
    <div class="col col-sm-2 col-md-4">Item</div>
    <div class="col col-sm-2 col-md-4">Item</div>
    <div class="col col-sm-2 col-md-4">Item</div>

TailwindCSS's syntax

For this method to add a utility or a grid layout but only have it take effect at a certain breakpoint, all you need to do is prefix the utility with the breakpoint name, followed by the : character.

Here is a simple responsive grid layout with this method:

<div class="row g-2 lg:g-4">
    <div class="col sm:col-2 md:col-4">Item</div>
    <div class="col sm:col-2 md:col-4">Item</div>
    <div class="col sm:col-2 md:col-4">Item</div>

Now, it's up to you to choose which syntax your prefer to work with! anyway, our pre-made templates used TailwindCSS's syntax cause we prefer that syntax!


Here’s a simple example of a component that uses a stacked layout on small screens, and a side-by-side layout on larger screens (resize your browser to see it in action):

Modern building architecture
Company retreats
Incredible accomodation for your team

Looking to take your team away on a retreat to enjoy awesome food and take in some sunshine? We have a list of places to do just that.

<!-- Bootstrap syntax -->
<div class="card w-100 mx-auto rounded-3 shadow-sm overflow-hidden bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-700">
    <div class="d-lg-flex">
        <div class="flex-lg-shrink-0">
            <img class="h-100 object-cover" src="./assets/images/img-01.jpg" alt="Image title">
        <div class="p-4">
            <div class="fs-6 fw-bold text-primary dark:text-primary-400">Company retreats</div>
            <a href="#" class="d-block mt-1 fs-4 text-none text-black dark:text-white">Incredible accomodation for your team</a>
            <p class="fs-6 mt-2 mb-0 text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-200">Looking to take your team away on a retreat to enjoy awesome food and take in some sunshine? We have a list of places to do just that.</p>

<!-- TailwindCSS syntax -->
<div class="card w-100 mx-auto rounded-3 shadow-sm overflow-hidden bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-700">
    <div class="lg:d-flex">
        <div class="lg:flex-shrink-0">
            <img class="h-100 object-cover" src="./assets/images/img-01.jpg" alt="Image title">
        <div class="p-4">
            <div class="fs-6 fw-bold text-primary dark:text-primary-400">Company retreats</div>
            <a href="#" class="d-block mt-1 fs-4 text-none text-black dark:text-white">Incredible accomodation for your team</a>
            <p class="fs-6 mt-2 mb-0 text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-200">Looking to take your team away on a retreat to enjoy awesome food and take in some sunshine? We have a list of places to do just that.</p>


A collection of useful utility classes to style your content.

We've overrided some of the existing Bootstrap utilities, extended some and added other useful ones to give you more control over your design, some of which are inspired by the TailwindCSS framework.



Bootstrap includes a wide range of shorthand responsive margin, padding, and gap utility classes to modify an element’s appearance.

Preview Name Size Class
Spacing narrow 4px .*-narrow
Spacing 1 8px .*-1
Spacing 2 16px .*-2
Spacing 3 24px .*-3
Spacing 4 32px .*-4
Spacing 5 40px .*-5
Spacing 6 48px .*-6
Spacing 7 56px .*-7
Spacing 8 64px .*-8
Spacing 9 80px .*-9
Spacing 10 128px .*-10



Utilities for setting the width or height of an element. we extended this utility for more control about setting a width or height of an element.

Class Properties
.w-auto width: auto;
.w-0 width: 0px;
.w-px width: 1px;
.w-2px width: 2px;
.w-4px width: 4px;
.w-8px width: 8px;
.w-16px width: 16px;
.w-24px width: 24px;
.w-32px width: 32px;
.w-40px width: 40px;
.w-48px width: 48px;
.w-56px width: 56px;
.w-64px width: 64px;
.w-72px width: 72px;
.w-80px width: 80px;
.w-96px width: 96px;
.w-100px width: 100px;
.w-128px width: 128px;
.w-150px width: 150px;
.w-200px width: 200px;
.w-300px width: 300px;
.w-400px width: 400px;
.w-500px width: 500px;
.w-600px width: 600px;
.w-xs width: 440px;
.w-sm width: 660px;
.w-md width: 880px;
.w-lg width: 1100px;
.w-xl width: 1280px;
.w-2xl width: 1320px;
.w-1/2 width: 50%;
.w-1/3 width: 33.333333%;
.w-2/3 width: 66.666667%;
.w-1/4 width: 25%;
.w-2/4 width: 50%;
.w-3/4 width: 75%;
.w-1/5 width: 20%;
.w-2/5 width: 40%;
.w-3/5 width: 60%;
.w-4/5 width: 80%;
.w-1/6 width: 16.666667%;
.w-2/6 width: 33.333333%;
.w-3/6 width: 50%;
.w-4/6 width: 66.666667%;
.w-5/6 width: 83.333333%;
.w-full / .w-100 width: 100%;
.w-screen width: 100vw;
.w-min width: min-content;
.w-max width: max-content;
.w-fit width: fit-content;
Min width
Class Properties
.min-w-0 min-width: 0px;
.min-w-100px min-width: 100px;
.min-w-150px min-width: 150px;
.min-w-200px min-width: 200px;
.min-w-300px min-width: 300px;
.min-w-400px min-width: 400px;
.min-w-500px min-width: 500px;
.min-w-600px min-width: 600px;
.min-w-xs min-width: 440px;
.min-w-sm min-width: 660px;
.min-w-md min-width: 880px;
.min-w-lg min-width: 1100px;
.min-w-xl min-width: 1280px;
.min-w-2xl min-width: 1320px;
.min-w-full / .min-w-100 min-width: 100%;
.min-w-min min-width: min-content;
.min-w-max min-width: max-content;
.min-w-fit min-width: fit-content;
Max width
Class Properties
.max-w-0 max-width: 0px;
.max-w-none max-width: none;
.max-w-100px max-width: 100px;
.max-w-150px max-width: 150px;
.max-w-200px max-width: 200px;
.max-w-300px max-width: 300px;
.max-w-400px max-width: 400px;
.max-w-500px max-width: 500px;
.max-w-600px max-width: 600px;
.max-w-xs max-width: 440px;
.max-w-sm max-width: 660px;
.max-w-md max-width: 880px;
.max-w-lg max-width: 1100px;
.max-w-xl max-width: 1280px;
.max-w-2xl max-width: 1320px;
.max-w-full / .max-w-100 max-width: 100%;
.max-w-min max-width: min-content;
.max-w-max max-width: max-content;
.max-w-fit max-width: fit-content;
Class Properties
.h-auto height: auto;
.h-0 height: 0px;
.h-px height: 1px;
.h-2px height: 2px;
.h-4px height: 4px;
.h-8px height: 8px;
.h-16px height: 16px;
.h-24px height: 24px;
.h-32px height: 32px;
.h-40px height: 40px;
.h-48px height: 48px;
.h-56px height: 56px;
.h-64px height: 64px;
.h-72px height: 72px;
.h-80px height: 80px;
.h-96px height: 96px;
.h-100px height: 100px;
.h-128px height: 128px;
.h-150px height: 150px;
.h-200px height: 200px;
.h-300px height: 300px;
.h-400px height: 400px;
.h-500px height: 500px;
.h-600px height: 600px;
.h-xs height: 440px;
.h-sm height: 660px;
.h-md height: 880px;
.h-lg height: 1100px;
.h-xl height: 1280px;
.h-2xl height: 1320px;
.h-1/2 height: 50%;
.h-1/3 height: 33.333333%;
.h-2/3 height: 66.666667%;
.h-1/4 height: 25%;
.h-2/4 height: 50%;
.h-3/4 height: 75%;
.h-1/5 height: 20%;
.h-2/5 height: 40%;
.h-3/5 height: 60%;
.h-4/5 height: 80%;
.h-1/6 height: 16.666667%;
.h-2/6 height: 33.333333%;
.h-3/6 height: 50%;
.h-4/6 height: 66.666667%;
.h-5/6 height: 83.333333%;
.h-full / .h-100 height: 100%;
.h-screen height: 100vh;
.h-min height: min-content;
.h-max height: max-content;
.h-fit height: fit-content;
Min height
Class Properties
.min-h-0 min-height: 0px;
.min-h-100px min-height: 100px;
.min-h-150px min-height: 150px;
.min-h-200px min-height: 200px;
.min-h-300px min-height: 300px;
.min-h-400px min-height: 400px;
.min-h-500px min-height: 500px;
.min-h-600px min-height: 600px;
.min-h-xs min-height: 440px;
.min-h-sm min-height: 660px;
.min-h-md min-height: 880px;
.min-h-lg min-height: 1100px;
.min-h-xl min-height: 1280px;
.min-h-2xl min-height: 1320px;
.min-h-full / .min-h-100 min-height: 100%;
.min-h-screen min-height: 100vh;
.min-h-min min-height: min-content;
.min-h-max min-height: max-content;
.min-h-fit min-height: fit-content;
Max height
Class Properties
.max-h-0 max-height: 0px;
.max-h-none max-height: none;
.max-h-100px max-height: 100px;
.max-h-150px max-height: 150px;
.max-h-200px max-height: 200px;
.max-h-300px max-height: 300px;
.max-h-400px max-height: 400px;
.max-h-500px max-height: 500px;
.max-h-600px max-height: 600px;
.max-h-xs max-height: 440px;
.max-h-sm max-height: 660px;
.max-h-md max-height: 880px;
.max-h-lg max-height: 1100px;
.max-h-xl max-height: 1280px;
.max-h-2xl max-height: 1320px;
.max-h-full / .max-h-100 max-height: 100%;
.max-h-screen max-height: 100vh;
.max-h-min max-height: min-content;
.max-h-max max-height: max-content;
.max-h-fit max-height: fit-content;



Utilities for setting the width or height of an element. we extended this utility for more control about setting a width or height of an element.

Class Properties
.flex-1 flex: 1 1 0%;
.flex-auto, .flex-fill flex: 1 1 auto;
.flex-initial flex: 0 1 auto;
.flex-none flex: none;
Justify content
Class Properties
.justify-start justify-content: flex-start;
.justify-end justify-content: flex-end;
.justify-center justify-content: center;
.justify-between justify-content: space-between;
.justify-around justify-content: space-around;
.justify-evenly justify-content: space-evenly;
Justify items
Class Properties
.justify-items-start justify-items: start;
.justify-items-end justify-items: end;
.justify-items-center justify-items: center;
.justify-items-stretch justify-items: stretch;
Justify self
Class Properties
.justify-self-auto justify-self: auto;
.justify-self-start justify-self: start;
.justify-self-end justify-self: end;
.justify-self-center justify-self: center;
.justify-self-stretch justify-self: stretch;
Align content
Class Properties
.content-start align-content: flex-start;
.content-end align-content: flex-end;
.content-center align-content: center;
.content-between align-content: space-between;
.content-around align-content: space-around;
.content-evenly align-content: space-evenly;
.content-baseline align-content: baseline;
Align items
Class Properties
.items-start align-items: flex-start;
.items-end align-items: flex-end;
.items-center align-items: center;
.items-baseline align-items: baseline;
.items-stretch align-items: stretch;
Align self
Class Properties
.self-auto align-self: auto;
.self-start align-self: flex-start;
.self-end align-self: flex-end;
.self-center align-self: center;
.self-baseline align-self: baseline;
.self-stretch align-self: stretch;
Place content
Class Properties
.place-start place-content: flex-start;
.place-end place-content: flex-end;
.place-center place-content: center;
.place-between place-content: space-between;
.place-around place-content: space-around;
.place-evenly place-content: space-evenly;
.place-baseline place-content: baseline;
.place-stretch place-content: stretch;
Place items
Class Properties
.place-items-start place-items: start;
.place-items-end place-items: end;
.place-items-center place-items: center;
.place-items-baseline place-items: baseline;
.place-items-stretch place-items: stretch;
Place self
Class Properties
.place-self-auto place-self: auto;
.place-self-start place-self: start;
.place-self-end place-self: end;
.place-self-center place-self: center;
.place-self-stretch place-self: stretch;

Hover & Focus


Use this utility to style elements on hover and focus.

There are two ways to work with states, you can use Bootstrap's default syntax *-hover or use our built-in syntax hover:* inspired by TailwindCSS.

You can choose the method that suits you best as UniCore supports the both ways, knowing that we prefer working with the TailwindCSS method hover:bg-secondary, here is an example as we overrided button hover state see this:

<!-- TailwindCSS method -->
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary hover:bg-secondary hover:border-secondary">
    Get started

<!-- Bootstrap default method -->
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary bg-secondary-hover border-secondary-hover">
    Get started

Border radius


We've extended the border radius property on the border utility, and it now supports responsive breakpoints and hover state.

<img src="..." class="rounded-0" alt="..."><!-- Radius 0px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-1" alt="..."><!-- Radius 4px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded" alt="..."><!-- Radius 8px (Default) -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-2" alt="..."><!-- Radius 16px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-3" alt="..."><!-- Radius 24px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-4" alt="..."><!-- Radius 32px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-5" alt="..."><!-- Radius 40px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-6" alt="..."><!-- Radius 48px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-7" alt="..."><!-- Radius 56px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-8" alt="..."><!-- Radius 64px -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-pill" alt="..."><!-- Radius 50rem -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-circle" alt="..."><!-- Radius 50% -->
<img src="..." class="rounded-full" alt="..."><!-- Radius 100% -->

Now border radius support responsive and you can set a radius for each breakpoint.

<img src="..." class="rounded-0 sm:rounded-4 md:rounded-circle" alt="...">

Resize the screen to see it in action!

Change on hover

We also make it support hover state so you can change the radius size on hover.

<img src="..." class="rounded-circle hover:rounded" alt="...">
Let's give it some smooth transitions

This is an example using hover state with transitions and transforms utilities.

<img src="..." class="rounded-circle hover:rounded transition-all duration-1s ease-expo" alt="...">

In this example you will find out how you can play with border radius.

<img src="..." class="rounded-end-4 rounded-bottom-8 rounded-start-2" alt="...">
<img src="..." class="rounded-top-5" alt="...">
<img src="..." class="rounded-5 rounded-top-start-0" alt="...">
<img src="..." class="rounded-bottom-start-7" alt="...">



Utilities for controlling the placement of positioned elements.

Coming soon.



Shorthand helpers that build on top of our flexbox utilities to make component layout faster and easier than ever. We make it responsive ready so you can now control which breakpoint you need an hstack-{bp} or {bp}:hstack horizontal layout and a .vstack-{bp} or {bp}:vstack vertical layout direction.

Resize the screen to see it in action.

<!-- Bootstrap syntax -->
<div class="form-group vstack hstack-sm gap-narrow">
    <input type="email" class="form-control h-48px w-full bg-gray-25 border-gray-25 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-700" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-md w-100 w-1/3-sm rounded-1">Sign in</button>

<!-- TailwindCSS syntax -->
<div class="form-group vstack sm:hstack gap-narrow">
    <input type="email" class="form-control h-48px w-full bg-gray-25 border-gray-25 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-700" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-md w-100 sm:w-1/3 rounded-1">Sign in</button>


Preview Name Size Class
Shadow XS 0 2px 4px .shadow-xs
Shadow S 0 4px 8px .shadow-sm
Shadow M / Default 0 8px 16px .shadow
Shadow L 0 16px 24px .shadow-lg
Shadow XL 0 24px 32px .shadow-xl
Shadow 2XL 0 32px 40px .shadow-2xl

Transitions & Animation


Create smooth transitions between two states when hovering an element.

Transition Property

Utilities for controlling which CSS properties transition.

Class Properties
.transition-none transition-property: none;
.transition-all transition-property: all;
.transition transition-property: color, background-color, border-color, text-decoration-color, fill, stroke, opacity, box-shadow, transform, filter;
.transition-colors transition-property: color, background-color, border-color, text-decoration-color, fill, stroke;
.transition-sizes transition-property: width, height, padding, margin;
.transition-opacity transition-property: opacity;
.transition-shadow transition-property: shadow;
.transition-transform transition-property: transform;
Transition Duration

Utilities for controlling the duration of CSS transitions.

Class Properties
.duration-0 transition-duration: 0ms;
.duration-75 transition-duration: 75ms;
.duration-100 transition-duration: 100ms;
.duration-150 transition-duration: 150ms;
.duration-200 transition-duration: 200ms;
.duration-250 transition-duration: 250ms;
.duration-300 transition-duration: 300ms;
.duration-350 transition-duration: 350ms;
.duration-400 transition-duration: 400ms;
.duration-450 transition-duration: 450ms;
.duration-500 transition-duration: 500ms;
.duration-1s transition-duration: 1000ms;
.duration-2s transition-duration: 2000ms;
.duration-3s transition-duration: 3000ms;
.duration-4s transition-duration: 4000ms;
.duration-5s transition-duration: 5000ms;
.duration-10s transition-duration: 10000ms;
Transition Delay

Utilities for controlling the delay of CSS transitions.

Class Properties
.delay-0 transition-delay: 0ms;
.delay-75 transition-delay: 75ms;
.delay-100 transition-delay: 100ms;
.delay-150 transition-delay: 150ms;
.delay-200 transition-delay: 200ms;
.delay-250 transition-delay: 250ms;
.delay-300 transition-delay: 300ms;
.delay-350 transition-delay: 350ms;
.delay-400 transition-delay: 400ms;
.delay-450 transition-delay: 450ms;
.delay-500 transition-delay: 500ms;
.delay-1s transition-delay: 1000ms;
.delay-2s transition-delay: 2000ms;
.delay-3s transition-delay: 3000ms;
.delay-4s transition-delay: 4000ms;
.delay-5s transition-delay: 5000ms;
.delay-10s transition-delay: 10000ms;
Transition Timing Function

Utilities for controlling the easing of CSS transitions.

Class Properties
.ease-linear transition-timing-function: linear;
.ease-in transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1);
.ease-out transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
.ease-in-out transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
.ease-elastic transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1, 0, 1, 0);
.ease-expo transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1);
.ease-bounce transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.680, -0.550, 0.265, 1.550);



Create smooth transitions between two states when hovering an element.


Utilities for scaling elements with transform.

Class Properties
.scale-0 transform: scale(0);
.scale-x-0 transform: scaleX(0);
.scale-y-0 transform: scaleY(0);
.scale-50 transform: scale(.5);
.scale-x-50 transform: scaleX(.5);
.scale-y-50 transform: scaleY(.5);
.scale-75 transform: scale(.75);
.scale-x-75 transform: scaleX(.75);
.scale-y-75 transform: scaleY(.75);
.scale-90 transform: scale(.9);
.scale-x-90 transform: scaleX(.9);
.scale-y-90 transform: scaleY(.9);
.scale-95 transform: scale(.95);
.scale-x-95 transform: scaleX(.95);
.scale-y-95 transform: scaleY(.95);
.scale-100 transform: scale(1);
.scale-x-100 transform: scaleX(1);
.scale-y-100 transform: scaleY(1);
.scale-105 transform: scale(1.05);
.scale-x-105 transform: scaleX(1.05);
.scale-y-105 transform: scaleY(1.05);
.scale-110 transform: scale(1.1);
.scale-x-110 transform: scaleX(1.1);
.scale-y-110 transform: scaleY(1.1);
.scale-125 transform: scale(1.25);
.scale-x-125 transform: scaleX(1.25);
.scale-y-125 transform: scaleY(1.25);
.scale-150 transform: scale(1.5);
.scale-x-150 transform: scaleX(1.5);
.scale-y-150 transform: scaleY(1.5);

Utilities for translating elements with transform.

Class Properties
.translate-0 transform: translate(0);
.translate-x-0 transform: translateX(0);
.translate-y-0 transform: translateY(0);
.translate-px transform: translate(1px);
.translate-x-px transform: translateX(1px);
.translate-y-px transform: translateY(1px);
.translate-narrow transform: translate(0.25rem);
.translate-x-narrow transform: translateX(0.25rem);
.translate-y-narrow transform: translateY(0.25rem);
.translate-1 transform: translate(0.5rem);
.translate-x-1 transform: translateX(0.5rem);
.translate-y-1 transform: translateY(0.5rem);
.translate-2 transform: translate(1rem);
.translate-x-2 transform: translateX(1rem);
.translate-y-2 transform: translateY(1rem);
.translate-3 transform: translate(1.5rem);
.translate-x-3 transform: translateX(1.5rem);
.translate-y-3 transform: translateY(1.5rem);
.translate-4 transform: translate(2rem);
.translate-x-4 transform: translateX(2rem);
.translate-y-4 transform: translateY(2rem);
.translate-5 transform: translate(2.5rem);
.translate-x-5 transform: translateX(2.5rem);
.translate-y-5 transform: translateY(2.5rem);
.translate-6 transform: translate(3rem);
.translate-x-6 transform: translateX(3rem);
.translate-y-6 transform: translateY(3rem);
.translate-7 transform: translate(4rem);
.translate-x-7 transform: translateX(4rem);
.translate-y-7 transform: translateY(4rem);
.translate-8 transform: translate(5rem);
.translate-x-8 transform: translateX(5rem);
.translate-y-8 transform: translateY(5rem);
.translate-9 transform: translate(6rem);
.translate-x-9 transform: translateX(6rem);
.translate-y-9 transform: translateY(6rem);
.translate-10 transform: translate(8rem);
.translate-x-10 transform: translateX(8rem);
.translate-y-10 transform: translateY(8rem);
.translate-25 transform: translate(25%);
.translate-x-25 transform: translateX(25%);
.translate-y-25 transform: translateY(25%);
.translate-50 transform: translate(50%);
.translate-x-50 transform: translateX(50%);
.translate-y-50 transform: translateY(50%);
.translate-75 transform: translate(75%);
.translate-x-75 transform: translateX(75%);
.translate-y-75 transform: translateY(75%);
.translate-full transform: translate(100%);
.translate-x-full transform: translateX(100%);
.translate-y-full transform: translateY(100%);
To use a negative translate value, prefix the class name with a dash to convert it to a negative value.
For example: -translate-y-6.

Utilities for rotating elements with transform.

Class Properties
.rotate-0 transform: rotate(0deg);
.rotate-1 transform: rotate(1deg);
.rotate-2 transform: rotate(2deg);
.rotate-3 transform: rotate(3deg);
.rotate-6 transform: rotate(6deg);
.rotate-12 transform: rotate(12deg);
.rotate-45 transform: rotate(45deg);
.rotate-90 transform: rotate(90deg);
.rotate-180 transform: rotate(180deg);
To use a negative rotate value, prefix the class name with a dash to convert it to a negative value.
For example: -rotate-90.
Transform Origin

Utilities for specifying the origin for an element's transformations.

Class Properties
.origin-center transform-origin: center;
.origin-right transform-origin: right;
.origin-left transform-origin: left;
.origin-top transform-origin: top;
.origin-top-right transform-origin: top right;
.origin-top-left transform-origin: top left;
.origin-bottom transform-origin: bottom;
.origin-bottom-right transform-origin: bottom right;
.origin-bottom-left transform-origin: bottom left;



The opacity property sets the opacity level for an element. Opacity level describes the transparency level. We extended this utility from only 25, 50, 75, 100 to a step by 5 for a full control 0, 5, n..., 100.

Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
<div class="opacity-0"></div><!-- opacity: 0; -->
<div class="opacity-5"></div><!-- opacity: 0.05; -->
<div class="opacity-10"></div><!-- opacity: 0.1; -->
<div class="opacity-15"></div><!-- opacity: 0.15; -->
<div class="opacity-20"></div><!-- opacity: 0.2; -->
<div class="opacity-25"></div><!-- opacity: 0.25; -->
<div class="opacity-30"></div><!-- opacity: 0.3; -->
<div class="opacity-35"></div><!-- opacity: 0.35; -->
<div class="opacity-40"></div><!-- opacity: 0.4; -->
<div class="opacity-45"></div><!-- opacity: 0.45; -->
<div class="opacity-50"></div><!-- opacity: 0.5; -->
<div class="opacity-55"></div><!-- opacity: 0.55; -->
<div class="opacity-60"></div><!-- opacity: 0.6; -->
<div class="opacity-65"></div><!-- opacity: 0.65; -->
<div class="opacity-70"></div><!-- opacity: 0.7; -->
<div class="opacity-75"></div><!-- opacity: 0.75; -->
<div class="opacity-80"></div><!-- opacity: 0.8; -->
<div class="opacity-85"></div><!-- opacity: 0.85; -->
<div class="opacity-90"></div><!-- opacity: 0.9; -->
<div class="opacity-95"></div><!-- opacity: 0.95; -->
<div class="opacity-100"></div><!-- opacity: 1; -->

The extended opacity classes also supports background bg-opacity-{*}, border border-opacity-{*} and text text-opacity-{*}.

<!-- Background opacity: 0.5 -->
<div class="bg-primary bg-opacity-50">

<!-- Border opacity: 0.1 -->
<div class="border-primary border-opacity-10">

<!-- Text opacity: 0.65 -->
<div class="text-primary text-opacity-65">

Anyway, our classes provide only step by 5 values, for a custom opacity you can use css variable --bs-{propery}-opacity in an inline css <style> attribute. for example:

<!-- Background opacity: 0.12 -->
<div class="bg-primary" style="--bs-bg-opacity: .12;">

<!-- Border opacity: 0.44 -->
<div class="border-primary" style="--bs-border-opacity: .44;">

<!-- Text opacity: 0.86 -->
<div class="text-primary" style="--bs-text-opacity: .86;">

This utility support darkmode dark:class_name and hover state hover:class_name.

Blend Modes


Add one of the following classes to apply different Blend Modes to your backgrounds, for example when placing them on images. You can combine these with the Opacity utility.

Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
<div class="bg-primary blend-color"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-color-burn"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-color-dodge"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-darken"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-difference"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-exclusion"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-hard-light"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-hue"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-lighten"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-luminosity"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-multiply"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-normal"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-overlay"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-plus-lighter"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-saturation"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-screen"> ... </div>
<div class="bg-primary blend-soft-light"> ... </div>

This utility support darkmode dark:class_name and hover state hover:class_name.

Blur effect


Add one of the following classes to apply different Blend Modes to your backgrounds, for example when placing them on images. You can combine these with the Opacity utility.

Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
Blend Mode
<div class="blur-0"></div><!-- filter: blur(0); -->
<div class="blur-1"></div><!-- filter: blur(4px); -->
<div class="blur-2"></div><!-- filter: blur(8px); -->
<div class="blur-3"></div><!-- filter: blur(16px); -->
<div class="blur-4"></div><!-- filter: blur(24px); -->
<div class="blur-5"></div><!-- filter: blur(32px); -->
<div class="blur-6"></div><!-- filter: blur(48px); -->
<div class="blur-7"></div><!-- filter: blur(64px); -->
<div class="blur-8"></div><!-- filter: blur(80px); -->
<div class="blur-9"></div><!-- filter: blur(96px); -->
<div class="blur-10"></div><!-- filter: blur(128px); -->

This utility support darkmode dark:class_name and hover state hover:class_name.



Use responsive and toggle visibility classes to display or hide elements on different devices.


To display elements on hover or focus only, add the .visible-toggle class to a parent element and one of the following classes to any child elements which should be hidden.

Class Description
hidden-hover The element is removed from the document flow when hidden.
invisible-hover The element is not removed from the document flow when hidden.

The child elements will be displayed when the parent element is hovered or focused. Add tabindex="0" to the parent element to allow it to receive focus through keyboard navigation and on touch devices.

If there are <a> or <button> elements within the hidden child element, they are already focusable through keyboard navigation and will make the child element appear. Therefore, add tabindex="-1" so the parent element is still focusable on touch devices.

Hover me!
I'm hidden but visible on hover
<div class="visible-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="hidden-hover"></div>
Hover me!
I still have a place and hidden but visible on hover
<div class="visible-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="invisible-hover"></div>



A collection of useful utility classes to style your content.


UniCore uses panels to outline certain sections of your content. These can be arranged in grid columns from the Grid component, for example.

Add the .panel class to a <div> element to create a position context, set box-sizing to border-box, apply a clearfix and to remove the bottom margin of its last child element.

<div class="panel"><!-- ... --></div>
Object Fit and Position

Define how the content of an image or video should be resized to fit its element.

Class Description
.object-cover Scales the image by keeping its aspect ratio to completely cover the content box.
.object-contain Scales the image by keeping its aspect ratio as far as its width and height can fit inside the content box.
.object-fill Scales the image to fill the element's content box.
.object-none Scales the image to fill the element's content box.
.object-scale-down Like contain, but never up-scales.
<img class="object-cover" src="..." alt="...">

To modify the alignment of the image or video within its element, add one of the object-position-* classes.

Class Description
.object-position-center Align to the center.
.object-position-top Align to the top.
.object-position-right Align to the right.
.object-position-bottom Align to the bottom.
.object-position-left Align to the left.
<img class="object-cover object-position-top" src="..." alt="...">
Ratio (Extended feature)

To have an image cover its parent element, add the .ratio-*x* class to the parent element.

<div class="ratio-4x3">
    <img src="..." alt="...">
Class Value
.ratio-1x1 100%
.ratio-1x2 200%
.ratio-2x1 50%
.ratio-2x3 150%
.ratio-3x2 66.6666667%
.ratio-3x4 133.333333%
.ratio-4x3 75%
.ratio-16x9 56.25%
.ratio-21x9 42.8571429%
Media Cover

Expand images to cover their entire container as you can place your own content on top.

<div class="position-relative h-xs">
    <img class="media-cover" src="..." alt="...">

Note: You should have position: relative applied on the parent element and set a height on it.


Add this class to apply a z-index on a element. for negative z-index suffix the class with n

Class Property
.z-0 z-index: 0;
.z-1 z-index: 1;
.z-1n z-index: -1;
.z-2 z-index: 2;
.z-2n z-index: -2;
.z-3 z-index: 3;
.z-3n z-index: -3;
.z-99 z-index: 99;
.z-999 z-index: 999;
.z-1000 z-index: 1000;
.z-1020 z-index: 1020;
.z-1030 z-index: 1030;
.z-1040 z-index: 1040;
.z-1045 z-index: 1045;
.z-1050 z-index: 1050;
.z-1055 z-index: 1055;
.z-1060 z-index: 1060;
.z-1070 z-index: 1070;
.z-1080 z-index: 1080;
.z-1090 z-index: 1090;
.z-9999 z-index: 9999;
<!-- default z-index -->
<div class="z-1"></div>

<!-- for negative z-index -->
<div class="z-1n"></div>


Use Bootstrap’s custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more.


Bootstrap includes several predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few extras thrown in for more control. but, we extended it to use all the color shades class to style your buttons as you want.

<href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary-200 text-primary-700">Primary 200</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary-700 text-primary-200">Primary 700</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-secondary">Secondary</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-success">Success</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-info">Info</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-warning">Warning</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-danger">Danger</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-dark">Dark</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-gray">Gray</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-light">Light</a>


Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add .btn-lg or .btn-sm for additional sizes.

<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-2xl">2X Large</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xl">X Large</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Large</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Medium</a><!-- default size -->
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Small</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">X Small</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-2xs">2X Small</a>


Some of the button styles use a relatively light foreground color, and should only be used on a dark background in order to have sufficient contrast, anyway, you have four type to work with!

<href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Default</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-outline-primary">Outline</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-alt-primary">Alternate</a>
<href="#" class="btn btn-ghost-primary">Ghost</a>


You can add icons to your buttons and customize your buttons using some useful utilities like sizing, radius to achieve the needed style and shape.

<href="#" class="btn btn-primary">
    <span>Check it out</span><i class="unicon-arrow-right"></i>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary">
    <i class="unicon-cloud-download"></i><span>Download</span>
<href="#" class="btn btn-primary w-48px h-48px rounded-circle">
    <i class="unicon-close"></i>


Now buttons are responsive and you can set a button size to a selected breakpoint.

<href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm sm:btn-md lg:btn-lg">...</a>


Give textual form controls an upgrade with custom styles, sizing, focus states, and more.


Examples and usage guidelines for form control styles, layout options, and custom components for creating a wide variety of forms.

Looks good!
Please put your address email!
Looks good!
Password is required!
<form class="row gx-2 gy-3 needs-validation" novalidate>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <label for="inputEmail4" class="form-label">Email</label>
        <input type="email" class="form-control" id="inputEmail4" required>
        <div class="valid-feedback">Looks good!</div>
        <div class="invalid-feedback">Please put your address email!</div>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <label for="inputPassword4" class="form-label">Password</label>
        <input type="password" class="form-control" id="inputPassword4" required>
        <div class="valid-feedback">Looks good!</div>
        <div class="invalid-feedback">Password is required!</div>
    <div class="col-12">
        <label for="inputAddress" class="form-label">Address</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputAddress" placeholder="1234 Main St">
    <div class="col-12">
        <label for="inputAddress2" class="form-label">Address 2</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputAddress2" placeholder="Apartment, studio, or floor">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <label for="inputCity" class="form-label">City</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputCity">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <label for="inputState" class="form-label">State</label>
        <select id="inputState" class="form-select">
        <option selected>Choose...</option>
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <label for="inputZip" class="form-label">Zip</label>
        <input type="number" class="form-control" id="inputZip">
    <div class="col-12">
        <div class="form-check">
        <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck">
        <label class="form-check-label" for="gridCheck">
            I read and accept the <a href="#" class="link-gradient">terms and conditions</a>.
    <div class="col-12">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary w-full mt-1">Sign in</button>


Set heights using classes like .form-control-lg and .form-control-sm.

<!-- lg: height 56px -->
<input type="email" class="form-control form-control-lg">

<!-- default: height 48px -->
<input type="email" class="form-control">

<!-- sm: height 40px -->
<input type="email" class="form-control form-control-sm">

Form and icons (Built-in feature)

You can use an icon from the Icon library inside a form control. Wrap the form control + icon on an element has .form-icon-group class and add .form-icon class to your icon element.

By default, the icon will be placed on the left side of the form, to change the alignment,
add the .form-icon-flip class just next to .form-icon-group class.

To enable an action, use an <a> or <button> element to make the icon clickable for an action.

<!-- Default alignement + Non-clickable icon -->
<div class="form-icon-group w-1/2 mx-auto">
    <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Search..">
    <span class="form-icon text-gray">
        <i class="unicon-search icon-2"></i>

<!-- Flip alignement + <a> element -->
<div class="form-icon-group form-icon-flip w-1/2 mx-auto">
    <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Search..">
    <a href="#" class="form-icon text-gray">
        <i class="unicon-arrow-right icon-2"></i>

<!-- Flip alignement + <button> element -->
<div class="form-icon-group form-icon-flip w-1/2 mx-auto">
    <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Search..">
    <button type="button" class="form-icon text-gray">
        <i class="unicon-send-alt icon-2"></i>


Here are some examples of how you can create a custom froms from inputs, buttons and some utilities.

<div class="vstack hstack-sm gap-narrow">
    <input type="email" class="form-control h-48px w-full bg-gray-25 border-gray-25 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:border-gray-700" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-md w-100 sm:w-1/3 rounded-1">Sign in</button>
<div class="vstack hstack-sm gap-narrow">
    <input type="email" class="form-control h-48px w-full dark:text-white" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-md w-100 sm:w-1/3 rounded-1">Sign in</button>
<div class="vstack hstack-sm gap-1 rounded-2 p-narrow bg-gray-25 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-700">
    <input type="email" class="form-control-plaintext ms-1 w-full dark:text-white" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary w-100 sm:w-1/3 rounded-1">Sign in</button>
<div class="vstack hstack-sm gap-1 border rounded-2 p-narrow bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-700">
    <input type="email" class="form-control-plaintext ms-1 w-full dark:text-white" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-ghost-primary w-100 sm:w-1/3 rounded-1">Sign in</button>
<div class="hstack gap-1 border-bottom p-narrow dark:border-gray-700">
    <input type="email" class="form-control-plaintext ms-1 w-full dark:text-white" placeholder="Your email address..">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-alt-primary w-48px h-48px rounded-circle"><i class="unicon-send-alt icon-2"></i></button>

Background Image

Use background images with lazy loading, responsive images and different image sources.


To apply this component, add the data-uc-img and the data-src attribute containing the image path for the background image to a div or any other element. By default, the background image will be lazy loaded as it enters the viewport when scrolling.

<div class="h-300px w-300px" data-src="{Image_URL}" data-uc-img></div>

Note: you should give it a height and width or make it cover to the parent element.

Extended classes

We have made some built-in classes for more controll on your background images.

Class Default Description
cover The background size of the image.
center The background position of the image.
unset The background attachment of the image.
no-repeat The background repeat of the image.

An example with extended background image classes.

<div class="bg-contain bg-center bg-fixed" data-src="{Image_URL}" data-uc-img=""></div>


To use the srcset feature for background images, just add the data-srcset attribute. Optionally, add the sizes attribute but without prefix.

<div data-src="{Image_URL}" data-srcset="{Image_multi_sizes_URLs}" sizes="" data-uc-img=""></div>


Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon.

Option Value Default Description
dataSrc String '' The image's src attribute.
sources String '' The image's sources. This option is used for background images only. The sources attributes be passed in key: value; format for a single source. For multiple sources in JSON format.
loading lazy eager To avoid lazy loading background images for the first visible viewport but still use other features of this component, add the loading="eager" parameter.
margin String 50% The margin is added to the viewport's bounding box, before computing an intersection with the image. The value must be in px or % units.
target String false A list of targets whose bounding boxes will be used to compute an intersection with the image. Defaults to the image itself.

dataSrc is the Primary option, and its key may be omitted if it's the only option in the attribute value.


Learn more about JavaScript components.


UniCore.img(element, options);

The Image component keeps records of already loaded images in the Session Storage. That's how it tries to determine if an image is already cached. A cached image is loaded immediately, without the lazy loading mechanism to prevent any rendering flashes. Prior to testing the Image component, make sure to clear these records from your browser's Session Storage.

Marquee Text

A creative, aesthetic Marquee text effects for your creative website.

With this component you can create a marquee text effect for your headlines, texts and even paragraphs, It is just a way to display texts in a creative and modern way, in sync with what is trend now, let's see how it works.


To apply this effect you need only to add the data-uc-marquee attribute to that element. but, you need to have an inner <div> element then the element you want effects to work on it.

<div data-uc-marquee> <!-- The parent element where the attribute should be! -->
    <div> <!-- This is the inner div which is required! -->
        <element> ... </element> <!-- The element that the effect will applied on! -->

This is an example of how it works and how the html structure should be.

Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
<div data-uc-marquee>
        <div> Your marquee text </div>


If you have a less content or a small sized content you may have to add a clone option to that element data attribute. true equal clone one more time but you can set a number as many as clone times you may need.

<!-- Clone your content one time -->
<div data-uc-marquee="clone: true;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>

<!-- Clone your content 3 times -->
<div data-uc-marquee="clone: 3;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>

Pause on hover

You can give the user the ability to pause the animation when mouse enter the marquee text by adding hover: true; option to that element data attribute.

Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
<div data-uc-marquee="hover: true;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>


You can reverse the marquee text direction by adding reverse: true; option to that element data attribute.

Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
<div data-uc-marquee="reverse: true;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>


You can change the speed to the marquee text by adding speed: {1 to n}; option to that element data attribute.

Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
<div data-uc-marquee="speed: 50;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>


You can set a gap to the marquee text to create a space between the cloned content by adding gap: {1 to n}; option to that element data attribute.

Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
Unicore is a full featured, most advanced, powerfull, flexible and easy-to-customize framework with a solid design system
<div data-uc-marquee="clone: 2; gap: 20;">
        <div> Your marquee text </div>


This is an example of a multiple marquee text effect.

Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
Creative Solid Modern Trendy Minimal
<div class="vstack gap-2 justify-center">
    <div class="h3 text-lowercase bg-secondary-200 py-2" data-uc-marquee="clone: 3; gap: 40;"  style="transform: translateY(50%) rotate(5deg);">
            <div class="hstack" style="gap: var(--gap);">
    <div class="h3 text-lowercase bg-lime-200 py-2" data-uc-marquee="clone: 3; gap: 40; reverse: true;"  style="transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(-5deg);">
            <div class="hstack" style="gap: var(--gap);">


Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon.

Option Value Default Description
clone boolean
false To clone your content as many times as you set.
hover boolean false Set it to true to pause the animation on hover.
reverse boolean false Set it to true to reverse the animation.
speed number 30 Animation speed on s (seconds).
gap number 16 The gap between your cloned content on px (pixels).

Magic Cursor

A creative, aesthetic Magic Cursor effects for your creative website.

Recently, customizations have begun to appear at the mouse pointer level to add an aesthetic and creative effect to the site.

Of course, we have taken into consediration the addition of this feature as an in-house component to facilitate its use only through data-uc-cursor.

Below you will find how it works and all the options and settings you can implement.

By default, the cursor initiated on our framework and good to go just enable it by removing the disable-cursor class from body tag.


Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a space and also these options are CSS classes or Selectors.

To apply this component, add the data-uc-cursor attribute to an element you want the cursor to interact with!

Hover to see how it interact!
<element data-uc-cursor> ... </element>

By default when you added data-uc-cursor attribute the cursor start to interact with that element, but, we made some built-in options to customize it more and below you will find out how!

This component attribute can accept multiple css classes by bootstrap or our exclusive built-in classes as well to customize it as you want.

The main cursor will inherit any classes you add on data-uc-cursor attribute.


You can customize the cursor size by adding xs, sm, md, lg classes as an option.

X Small
X Large


You can customize the cursor color by adding text-{color} and it will inherit that color as it's background.

<element data-uc-cursor="text-primary"> ... </element>


You can add your custom text to the cursor by adding data-uc-cursor-text attribute on the same element or any child element and write your custom text just inside the text attribute.

<!-- On the same element that has "data-uc-cursor" -->
<element data-uc-cursor="" data-uc-cursor-text="Your text"> ... </element>

<!-- On the child level works too -->
<element data-uc-cursor="">
    <element data-uc-cursor-text="Your text"></element>


You can add your custom icon to the cursor by adding data-uc-cursor-icon attribute on the same element or any child element and write your custom icon class just inside the attribute.

View more
Scroll down
Zoom in
<!-- On the same element that has "data-uc-cursor" -->
<element data-uc-cursor="" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-move icon-4"> ... </element>

<!-- On the child level works too -->
<element data-uc-cursor="">
    <element data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-search icon-3"></element>

You can use our integrated icons library Unicons or any icon library that only works via CSS classes, as well as, you can resize icons using our icon size instructions.

Stick effect

Stick is a great effect for your links, buttons and any UI element, this will add a creative touch to your UI/UX design and here is how it works by adding data-uc-cursor-stick attribute on the same element that have main attribute and accepts CSS selectors like .elem class, #elem ID and > * child selectors.

Image alt

Let's find out how it works.

You just need to hover on the image and the button below to see it sticked!

Get started
<!-- ID selector -->
<element data-uc-cursor="" data-uc-cursor-stick="#element-stick">
    <childElement id="element-stick"> ... </childElement>

<!-- Class selector -->
<element data-uc-cursor="" data-uc-cursor-stick=".element-stick">
    <childElement class="element-stick"> ... </childElement>

<!-- Child node/tag selector -->
<element data-uc-cursor="" data-uc-cursor-stick="childElement">
    <childElement> ... </childElement>

The Stick effect accpets only one selector to make the cursor stick on it!

Magnetic effect

Magnetic, the same as Stick effect both are too way great effects to add a creative touch to your UI/UX design and here is how it works by adding data-uc-magnetic attribute on the element that you want this effect works on.

<!-- On element to be magneted -->
<element data-uc-cursor="opaque">
    <childElement data-uc-magnetic> ... </childElement>

<!-- Only one selector by class to be magneted -->
<element data-uc-cursor="opaque" data-uc-magnetic=".magnetic-element">
    <childElement class="magnetic-element"> ... </childElement>
    <childElement> ... </childElement>

<!-- Select all the child elements to be magneted -->
<element data-uc-cursor="opaque" data-uc-magnetic="*">
    <childElement> ... </childElement>
    <childElement> ... </childElement>
    <childElement> ... </childElement>

The Magnetic effect accpets one or multi-child selectors to make the cursor magnet on it!


As these effects are great now we will combine them to achive a creative fusion and here is how it works.

Sticked Social Icons:
<ul data-uc-cursor="md" data-uc-cursor-stick="*">
    <li data-uc-cursor="text-dark" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-logo-github icon-3">
        <a href="#"><i class="icon-3 unicon-logo-github"></i></a>
    <li data-uc-cursor="text-blue" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-logo-twitter icon-3">
        <a href="#"><i class="icon-3 unicon-logo-twitter"></i></a>
    <li data-uc-cursor="text-secondary" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-logo-instagram icon-3">
        <a href="#"><i class="icon-3 unicon-logo-instagram"></i></a>
Creative Link:
<a  href="#link" 
    data-uc-cursor="md text-secondary-200 inverse-text fw-bold" 
    <span>Scroll to</span>
    <i class="unicon-arrow-up"></i>
Magnetic Gallery:
Image alt
Image alt
Image alt
Image alt
<div class="row g-5 child-cols-3" data-uc-magnetic="**" data-uc-cursor-stick=".stick-element">
        <div class="ratio ratio-1x1 rounded-2 overflow-hidden"
             data-uc-cursor="sm text-white inverse-text shadow-sm"
             data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-add icon-3">
            <img src=" ... " alt="Image alt" data-uc-img>
            <div class="stick-element position-absolute top-50 start-50 translate-middle d-inline-flex justify-center items-center">
                <a class="position-cover" href="#link"></a>
Slider + Stick controls:
<div class="swiper" data-swiper="items: 1; prev: .swiper-nav-prev; next: .swiper-nav-next;">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 3</div>

    <!-- Add Pagination -->
    <div class="swiper-pagination" data-uc-cursor="xs text-white inverse-text" data-uc-cursor-stick=">*"></div>

    <!-- Add Arrows -->
    <div class="swiper-nav swiper-nav-prev position-absolute top-0 start-0 bottom-0 z-1 w-1/2" data-uc-cursor="lg transparent difference" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-arrow-left icon-5"></div>
    <div class="swiper-nav swiper-nav-next position-absolute top-0 end-0 bottom-0 z-1 w-1/2" data-uc-cursor="lg transparent difference" data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-arrow-right icon-5"></div>


Any of these options or classes can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options or classes with a space.

Class Value Description
opaque, exclusion, difference Mode Exclusion or opaque or difference are modes to invert the cursor color.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="difference"].
xs, sm, md, lg, xl Size Set a size to your cursor via this classes.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="lg"].
text-{*} Color You can set a background color to your cursor via all Bootstrap text coloring classes.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="text-primary"].
opacity-{*} Opacity You can control the transparency of your cursor via all our extended Bootstrap Opacity classes.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="opacity-25"].
transparent Transparent background You can make the cursor background transparent by using this class.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="transparent"].
inverse-text Color Invert By default, the text color is white and by using this class will invert it to black. This feature works only when you set a [data-uc-cursor-text] or [data-uc-cursor-icon].
For ex [data-uc-cursor="inverse-text"].
fw-bold, fw-light Font Weight You can control the font-weight of your cursor text via Bootstrap font-weight classes.
For ex [data-uc-cursor="fw-bold"].
Option Value Description
Your_Text Text/HTML This data attribute accepts only Text or HTML content.
For ex [data-uc-cursor-text="Hello World!"].
Option Value Description
unicon-{*} Icon class You can set an icon from our Icon Library or set your custom icon class.
For ex [data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-search"].
icon-{*} Icon size You can customize the icon size using our icon sizing instructions that start from 1 to 6.
For ex [data-uc-cursor-icon="unicon-search icon-4"].
Option Value Description
.class, #id, >* or tag CSS Selector This data attribute accepts only CSS selectors and can work only for one selected element.
For ex [data-uc-cursor-stick=".stick-element"] and add stick-element class to only one element that you want the cursor to stick on it.
Option Value Description
.class, #id, >* or tag CSS Selector This data attribute accepts only CSS selectors and can work for one or multiple selected elements.
For ex [data-uc-magnetic] or [data-uc-magnetic=".element"] and add element class to any element(s) that you want the cursor to interact with magnet.


Learn more about JavaScript components.

Cursor Initialization

const yourCursor = new UCCursor(options);
Cursor Options
Option Value Default Description
container string body The cursor will fly only on the boundaries of selected container. Can accept multi selectors.
speed number 0.7 Cursor speed when following the mouse pointer. Value on seconds.
visibleTimeout number 300 The cursor will appear after the timout you set. Value on milliseconds.
ease string "expo.out" Cursor easing.
stickForce number 0 Cursor stick effect force. Value on seconds.
stickMagneticForce number 0.3 Cursor stick and magnetic force. Value on seconds.

Magnetic Initialization

$("[data-uc-magnetic]").each(function () {
    const $elements = this.dataset.ucMagnetic ? $(this).find(this.dataset.ucMagnetic) : $(this);
    $elements.each(function () {
        new UCMagnetic(this, yourCursor);
Magnetic Options
Option Value Default Description
x number 0.4 Magnetic ratio for x-axis.
y number 0.4 Magnetic ratio for y-axis.
s number 0.3 Magnetic speed when mouse enter the element.
rs number 0.5 Magnetic return speed when mouse leave the element.

Create Modal dialogs with different styles and transitions.

The Modal component consists of an overlay, a dialog and an optional close button. You can use any element to toggle a modal dialog. To enable the necessary JavaScript, add the data-uc-toggle attribute. An <a> element needs to be linked to the modal's id. If you are using another element, like a button, just add the data-uc-toggle="target: #ID" attribute to target the id of the modal container.

Add the data-uc-modal attribute to a <div> element to create the modal container and an overlay that blanks out the page. It is important to add an id to indicate the element for toggling. Use the following classes to define the modal's sections.

<!-- This is a button toggling the modal -->
<button data-uc-toggle="target: #modal-id" type="button">Toggle modal</button>

<!-- This is the modal -->
<div id="modal-id" data-uc-modal>
    <div class="uc-modal-dialog p-3">
        <button class="uc-modal-close-default" type="button">Close</button>
        <h2 class="h4">Modal heading</h2>
        <p> ... </p>

To divide the modal into different content sections use panel, padding p-{*} and border-{*}.

<!-- This is a button toggling the modal -->
<button data-uc-toggle="target: #modal-id" type="button">Toggle modal</button>

<!-- This is the modal -->
<div id="modal-id" data-uc-modal>
    <div class="uc-modal-dialog p-3">
        <button class="uc-modal-close-default" type="button">Close</button>

        <!-- The modal header -->
        <div class="panel p-3 border-bottom">
            <h2 class="h4">Modal heading</h2>

        <!-- The modal body -->
        <div class="panel p-3">
            <p> ... </p>

        <!-- The modal footer -->
        <div class="panel p-3 border-top">

To create a modal, that fills the entire page, add the uc-modal-full class. It is also recommended adding the .uc-modal-close-full class to the close button, so that it adapts its styling.

<div class="uc-modal-full" data-uc-modal>
    <div class="uc-modal-dialog">
        <button class="uc-modal-close-full" type="button">Close</button>

To create a close button, enable its functionality and add proper styling and positioning using one of the classes below.

Class Description
uc-modal-close-default Add this class to your <button> or <a> to add a close modal behavior, but also this class will add a proper styling and positioning to the element on the top right of the modal dialog but still inside.
uc-modal-close-outside Add this class to your <button> or <a> to add a close modal behavior, but also this class will add a proper styling and positioning to the element on the top right but outside of the modal dialog.
uc-modal-close-full Add this class to your <button> or <a> to add a close modal behavior, this class works well with full modal.
uc-modal-close Add this class to your <button> or <a> to add a close modal behavior only.


Coming soon.

On this page:


Coming soon.


A collection of smooth animations to use within your page.

All animations themselves are implemented with CSS, so they do not require JavaScript to play.


Add one of the .uc-animation-* classes to any element. The animation is shown when the class is added, so usually immediately on page load.

Class Description
.uc-animation-fade The element fades in.
The element fades in and scales up or down.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right by its own height or width.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right with a smaller distance which is specified by a fixed pixel value.
The element fades and slides in from the top, bottom, left or right with a medium distance which is specified by a fixed pixel value.
.uc-animation-kenburns The element will scales very slowly up without fading in.
.uc-animation-shake The element shakes.
.uc-animation-stroke The SVG element strokes are drawn.
.uc-animation-spin The element spin.
.uc-animation-ping The element ping.
.uc-animation-pulse The element pulse.
.uc-animation-bounce The element bounce.
<div class="uc-animation-fade"></div>

Toggle animation

To toggle an animation on hover or focus, add the uc-animation-toggle class to a parent element. Also add tabindex="0" to make the animation focusable through keyboard navigation and on touch devices.

Slide left
Slide top
Slide right
Slide bottom
<div class="uc-animation-toggle" tabindex="0">
    <div class="uc-animation-fade"></div>

Reverse animation

By default, all animations are incoming. To reverse any animation, add the uc-animation-reverse class.

Slide left
Slide top
Slide right
Slide bottom
<div class="uc-animation-fade uc-animation-reverse"></div>

Speed modifier

To play animations at a faster speed, add the uc-animation-fast class to the element.

Slide left
Slide top
Slide right
Slide bottom
<div class="uc-animation-fade uc-animation-speed"></div>

Origin modifiers

By default, scaling animations originate from the center. To modify this behavior, add one of the .origin-* classes from the Utilities.

Top left
Top center
Bottom right

Ken Burns

To add a simple Ken Burns effect, add the uc-animation-kenburns class to any image. You can also apply the uc-animation-reverse or one of the .origin-* classes from the Utilities to modify the effect. Hover on the images below to see it in action!

Origin: default = center
Origin: top-right
<img class="uc-animation-kenburns" src="" width="" height="" alt="" />

<img class="uc-animation-kenburns origin-top-right" src="" width="" height="" alt="" />

By default, the animation starts on page load. In this example we used the uc-animation-toggle, to toggle the effect when mouse move over the image.


Make elements remain at the top of the viewport, like a sticky navigation, sidebars and content.


To create an element that remains at the top of the viewport when scrolling down the site,
add the data-uc-sticky attribute to that element.

Stick to the top
<div data-uc-sticky>Stick to the top</div>


By default, the element sticks to the top of the viewport. You can set the position: bottom option to stick it to the bottom of the viewport.

Stick to the bottom
<div data-uc-sticky="position: bottom">Stick to the bottom</div>


Start offset. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.
The default value of 0 means that the element's top border and viewport's top border intersect. A CSS Selector will set start to the selected element's bottom border and the element's top border.

<!-- Sticks after 100px scrolling -->
<div data-uc-sticky="start: 100;"></div>

<!-- Sticks after 10vh scrolling -->
<div data-uc-sticky="start: 10vh;"></div>

<!-- Sticks after scrolling the elements height -->
<div data-uc-sticky="start: 100%;"></div>

<!-- Sticks after the top of the selected element -->
<div data-uc-sticky="start: #selector;"></div>


End offset. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.
A value of 0 means that the element's top border and viewport's top border intersect, which would cause the element not to be sticky at all if start is also set to 0. A CSS Selector will set the end to the selected element's bottom and the element's bottom border.
false will make the element stick until the end of the page.
true selects the parent element.

<!-- Sticks until 100px scrolling -->
<div data-uc-sticky="end: 100;"></div>

<!-- Sticks until 10vh scrolling -->
<div data-uc-sticky="end: 10vh;"></div>

<!-- Sticks until scrolling the elements height -->
<div data-uc-sticky="end: 100%;"></div>

<!-- Sticks until the bottom of the selected element -->
<div data-uc-sticky="end: #selector;"></div>

<!-- Sticks until the bottom of its parent container -->
<div data-uc-sticky="end: true;"></div>


To set an offset to the viewport's edge when the element is sticky, add the offset option. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.

Stick 150px below the top
<div data-uc-sticky="offset: 150">Stick 150px below the top</div>

Show on up

You can make the sticky element show only when scrolling up to save space. Together with an animation, this makes for a very smooth experience.

Slide in on scroll up
<div data-uc-sticky="show-on-up: true">Slide in on scroll up</div>


Add an animation from the Animation component in order to have the sticky element reappear smoothly if a start offset is set.

Animation Slide Top
<div data-uc-sticky="animation: uc-animation-slide-top;">Animation Slide Top</div>

Overflow flip

The overflow-flip option disables the sticky behavior for oversized content. Instead, it only flips the sticky position if the element is larger than the viewport. Changing the scroll direction will not affect the sticky position. Together with the start and end options, two nice sticky effects can be achieved. Cover an element by following content or reveal it by previous content.

overflow-flip: true
end: 100%
Cover previous section.
Reveal next section.
position: bottom
overflow-flip: true
start: -100%
end: 0
<!-- Section will be covered by the next section -->
<div data-uc-sticky="overflow-flip: true; end: 100%;"></div>

<div>A section the will cover previous section and reveal next section.</div>

<!-- Section will be revealed by the previous section -->
<div data-uc-sticky="position: bottom; overflow-flip: true; start: -100%; end: 0;"></div>

Oversized content

Sticky content that is larger than the viewport will scroll down and stick to the bottom of the viewport. Changing the scroll direction will immediately scroll the sticky content up and change the sticky behavior to stick to the top of the viewport. Scrolling down will change the behavior again.

Oversized content...
Stick until content end.
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-8">
        <div>Oversized content...</div>
    <div class="col-4">
        <div data-uc-sticky="end: true;">Stick until content end.</div>


It's possible to disable the sticky behavior for different device widths by applying the media option to the attribute and adding the appropriate viewport width. Add a number in pixel, for example media: 640, or a breakpoint, for example media: @m. The element will be sticky from the specified viewport width and upwards, but not below.

Only be sticky on viewports larger than 640px.
<div data-uc-sticky="media: 640">Only be sticky on viewports larger than 640px.</div>

Resize the screen to see it in action.


Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon.

Option Value Default Description
position top bottom top The position the element should be stuck to.
Start Length, CSS Selector 0 Start offset. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.
The default value of 0 means that the element's top border and viewport's top border intersect. A CSS Selector will set start to the selected element's bottom border and the element's top border.
End Length, CSS Selector, Boolean false End offset. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.
A value of 0 means that the element's top border and viewport's top border intersect, which would cause the element not to be sticky at all if start is also set to 0. A CSS Selector will set the end to the selected element's bottom and the element's bottom border.
false will make the element stick until the end of the page.
true selects the parent element.
offset Length 0 The offset the Sticky should be fixed to. The value can be in vh, % and px. It supports basic mathematics operands + and -.
overflow-flip Boolean false Flip the Sticky's position option if the element overflows the viewport and disable overflow scrolling.
animation String false The animation to use when the element becomes sticky.
cls-active String uc-active The active class.
cls-inactive String '' The inactive class.
show-on-up Boolean false Only show sticky element when scrolling up.
media Number, String null Condition for the active status - a width as integer (e.g. 640) or a breakpoint (e.g. @s, @m, @l, @xl) or any valid media query (e.g. (min-width: 900px)).
target-offset false, Length false Initially make sure that the Sticky element is not over a referenced element via the page's location hash. The offset defines by how far the element will be above the referenced element.
false will disable this behavior.


Learn more about JavaScript components.


UniCore.sticky(element, options);


The following events will be triggered on elements with this component attached:

Name Description
active Fires after the element becomes sticky.
inactive Fires after the element is no longer sticky.


Inject inline SVG images into the page markup and style them with CSS.

SVGs or Scalable Vector Graphics are really handy, for example to display a logo that remains crisp when scaling or that is animated. The SVG component provides more control to style and animate the image and its vector parts. It injects the image into the markup as an inline SVG including all attributes, like IDs, classes, width and height, so that they can easily be targeted using CSS.


To apply this component, add the data-uc-svg attribute to an <img> element.

Using the data-uc-svg attribute also allows you to inject a symbol from the SVG file. Just append the symbol's ID to the image path as you would in any fragmented URL.

Injected SVG

Injected SVG + Preserve

<img class="text-dark dark:text-white" src="{image.svg}" alt="..." data-uc-svg />

Using the data-uc-svg attribute also allows you to inject a symbol from the SVG file. Just append the symbol's ID to the image path as you would in any fragmented URL.

SVGs will adapt the current color for their stroke and fill color.
To prevent this behavior, add the .uc-preserve class to the SVG itself or the elements inside the SVG.

The loading="lazy" attribute for <img> elements is taken into account, and SVG images will be injected as inline SVG as they enter the viewport.

Stroke Animation

There are two ways to animate SVG strokes.
First by using the Animations component and data-uc-svg="stroke-animation: true", and second by using the Parallax component.


Any of these options can be applied to the component attribute. Separate multiple options with a semicolon.

Option Value Default Description
src String '' The SVG source URL. If a location hash is present, only the <symbol> of the SVG with the given ID is shown.
stroke-animation Boolean false Animate all elements with the <stroke> attribute in the SVG.


Learn more about JavaScript components.


UniCore.svg(element, options);


UniCore.svg(element).svg.then(function(svg) { svg.querySelector('path').style.stroke = 'red'; })

A JavaScript Promise that will resolve with the added SVG Node.


Coming soon.


A collection of smooth animations to use within your page via Anime.js library.

We used Anime.js library for animations, is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects.


We made it easy to deal with Anime.js and even easy to implement just by using data attributes instead of initiating animations via javascript code.

To configure Anime.js, use the data-anime attribute and thier options or our built-in options below.

Click me to animate!
<div data-anime="onclick: true; translateX: 8; scale: 2; rotate: 1turn;">
    Animate me


These are our built-in options to target, trigger or initiate the animations.

Option Value Default Description
targets string "" Target child elements by class or ID or any css selector for ex: targets: > *.
onclick boolean
false Start animation when element clicked. You can set it to true or use alternate or restart.
onhover boolean false Start animation when element hovered.
onview boolean
Start animation when it's on viewport. You can set an offset in px for ex: 100 or -100.
autoplay boolean true Autoplay animation when element it's on viewport.

You can find out all the options and functions on their documentation.


Animate CSS properties depending on the scroll position of the document.

We combined between Anime.js and ScrollMagic to acheive the Onscroll Effect. Now you can easly fire animatin on scroll with a powerful controll for your animations using anime.js options.


To apply this component, add the onscroll:'{trigger-element}' option to the data-anime attribute to apply the onscroll effect.

I'm a onscroll element, say hi :)

<div class="parent-scene">
    <p data-anime="onscroll: .parent-scene; translateX: 240; opacity: [0, 1]" ></p>


We have made some most used built-in options from ScrollMagic default ones.

Option Value Default Description
onscroll boolean
Enable/Disable "on-scroll" effect or enable it with a trigger element which is a selector or DOM object that defines the start of the scene. If undefined the scene will start right at the start of the page (unless an offset is set).
onscroll-trigger number 1 When animation fires, default: bottom.
0 = top, 0.5 = middle, 1 = bottom
onscroll-duration number
100% The duration of the scene.
onscroll-offset number 0 Offset trigger position by px.
onscroll-reverse boolean true Should the scene reverse, when scrolling up?

You can find out all the options and functions on their documentation.

Swiper 8

We made it easy to deal with Swiper 8 slider and even easy to implement with responsive on different screens using breakpoints.


To setup Swiper 8, use the data-swiper attribute and use our built-in options that are explained in the table below:

<div class="swiper" data-swiper="items: 3; dots: .swiper-pagination;">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 3</div>

    <!-- Add Pagination -->
    <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>

    <!-- Add Arrows -->
    <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
    <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>


We have custom configured responsive control using breakpoints data-swiper-{breakpoint}, the available breakpoints: s, m, l and xl.

<div class="swiper" data-swiper="items: 1; center: true;" data-swiper-m="items: 3; center: false;">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2</div>
        <div class="swiper-slide">Slide 3</div>


These are our built-in and most used options to configure and customize your swiper slider 8.

Option Value Default Description
items number | 'auto' 1 number of slides per view.
sets number 1 Set numbers of slides to define and enable group sliding.
active number 0 Index number of initial slide.
connect string null Connet two sliders via css class selector.
gap number 48 Distance between slides in px.
center boolean false If true, then active slide will be centered, not always on the left side.
center-bounds boolean false If true, then active slide will be centered without adding gaps at the beginning and end of slider.
dots string .swiper-dotnav String with CSS selector or HTML element of the container with pagination.
dots-type string bullets String with type of pagination. Can be 'bullets', 'fraction', 'progressbar' or 'custom'.
dots-click boolean true If true then clicking on pagination button will cause transition to appropriate slide. Only for bullets pagination type.
next string .swiper-next String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work like 'next' button after click on it.
prev string .swiper-prev String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work like 'prev' button after click on it.
disable-class string .swiper-disabled CSS class name added to navigation button when it becomes disabled.
auto-height boolean false Set to true and slider wrapper will adapt its height to the height of the currently active slide.
autoplay number 3000 Activate autoplay and set a delay between transitions (in ms). If this parameter is not specified, auto play will be disabled.
autoplay-init boolean true Set to false and autoplay will not be disabled after user interactions (swipes), it will be restarted every time after interaction.
offset number 0 Add (in px) additional slide offset in the end of the container (after all slides).
fade boolean false Enables slides cross fade.

You can find out all the options and functions on their documenation.


Changes the html structure of the target elements, wrapping each line, word, and/or character in a element.

We include SplitType.js is a small javascript library that splits HTML text into elements so that lines, words, and characters can be animated independently. And can be used with any animation library.


To configure SplitType.js, use the data-split-text attribute and it's options.


<h3 class="h1" data-split-text="types: 'chars'">I'm a splited text</h3>

To see the results of the splited text see it via inspect elements.

SplitType with anime.js

Now it's time to take advantage of SplitType and use Anime.js plugin to create good and smooth (60FPS) animations.


<h3 class="h1" data-split-text="types: 'chars'" data-anime="translateY: [-80, 0]; translateX: 80; opacity: [0, 1]; easing: easeOutExpo; duration: 350; delay: anime.stagger(80); loop: true; targets: > *;">Hello World!</h3>


These are the most used options to configure and customize your splited text.

Option Value Default Description
types string "lines, words, chars" Comma separated list of types.
absolute boolean false If true, absolute position will be used for split text nodes.
tagName string "div" The HTML tag that will be used for split text nodes.

You can find out all the options and functions on their documentation.


Add typing effect to your sentences.

An integrated lightweight Javascript library called Typed.js, It give you the ability to types out sentences and then delete them.


To configure TypedJs, use the data-typed attribute and it's options.

We are a digital studi

<h3 class="h1">
    We are a digital 
    <span class="text-gray" data-typed="typeSpeed: 80; backSpeed: 50; backDelay: 1500; shuffle: true; loop: true;">


These are the most used options to configure and customize how sentences should be typed.

Option Value Default Description
typeSpeed number 80 Type speed in milliseconds.
backSpeed number 50 Backspacing speed in milliseconds.
backDelay number 1500 Time before backspacing in milliseconds.
shuffle boolean false Shuffle the strings.
loop boolean number false Loop strings or set the amount of loops.

You can find out all the options and functions on their documentation.

Browse templates

There are thousands of templates out there to choose from,
but none quite like ours.



Metaverse & NFT Portfolio
Onepage Template



Minimal Personal Portfolio
Onepage Template



Complete NFT Marketplace
Multi-pages Template



Creative Digital Agency
Onepage Template



Creative Personal Portfolio
Onepage Template



Aesthetic & Personal
Blogging Template


UniCore uses the following open source resources:

Name Link Version
Node.js https://www.npmjs.com/ 14.16.0
Gulp https://gulpjs.com/ 4.0.2
Bootstrap 5 https://getbootstrap.com/ 5.2.3
UIkit 3 (JS Components ONLY) https://getuikit.com/ 3.15.20
Swiper 8 https://swiperjs.com/ 8.4.5
Anime.js https://animejs.com/ 3.2.1
ScrollMagic https://scrollmagic.io/ 2.0.7
SplitType.js https://github.com/lukePeavey/SplitType 0.3.3
Typed.js https://github.com/mattboldt/typed.js 2.0.12

UniCore Changelog

1.2.8 (Beta) — Feb 06, 2023

1.2.7 (Beta) — Feb 03, 2023

1.2.6 (Beta) — Feb 02, 2023

1.2.5 (Beta) — Feb 01, 2023

1.2.4 (Beta) — Jan 30, 2023

1.2.1 (Beta) — Jan 23, 2023

1.1.0 (Beta) — Jan 01, 2023

1.0.0 (Beta) — Dec 15, 2022

UniCore Docs v1.2.8 Beta © 2023.